By Coordinator William Smith
October 10, 2014

On Wednesday I met with Dr. Abney, Charles County Health Officer, John Filer, and a representative from CRMC on Ebola concerns. We have filmed a short video, a round table discussion on Ebola, which should be available in a few days and is intended for all first responders. When that link is live, I will pass it along.

In the meantime, the following is what was discussed and agreed upon with concurrence from DES, Dr. Abney and CRMC.
•All first responders should familiarize themselves with the CDC Ebola symptomology checklist.
•If first responders encounter a patient with Ebola like symptoms they should immediately don the appropriate PPE. Each ambulance in the County should already have the proper level PPE kit as they are part of the existing ambulance standards.
•First responders who are unaware of the proper process to don and doff PPE should be trained and or refreshed.
•Ambulance crews need to consult with CRMC prior to transport to the ED. They require ample time to prepare proper isolation procedures to protect the other patients and staff.
•ED staff will triage the patient in the ambulance . The ambulance crew should not enter the ED without a consultation.
•The designated radio channel for Ebola consults will be "EMSSECURE".
•Post exposure first responders should doff their PPE and dispose of it properly in the kit provided bio-hazard bag. The ambulance should then be isolated. 911 Comms will notify the hazmat team who will proceed to the ambulance's location and perform a full decon of the unit. This may be a lengthy process based off of the level of contamination (up to a few hours).
•Exposed personnel should contact their Infection Control Officer immediately who in turn will make contact with other responders on-scene who may have had contact with the patient.
•The ED will be responsible for contacting the Health Department.
•Remember HIPAA! Discussing patient care and information with others is a direct violation of HIPAA.

Attached to this email is the CDC’s patient check list as well as the CDC guidance for EMS screening. Please share this with all your providers as well as ensuring that your providers are familiar with exposure control and containment and the use of PPE for that purpose. Keep in mind that we are also entering flu season, and best practices should be utilized for our providers protection. IF your providers encounter someone with Ebola like symptoms AND they meet the criteria, as outlined in the documents attached, standard droplet protection should be utilized (gloves, face shield, mask, eye protection, etc…). Ebola is NOT AIR BORE.

While I don’t feel we are near a panic on Ebola, it is being taken very seriously, as it should be - our primary concern is the safety of our providers and responders. An Infection Control meeting is scheduled for next week on Tuesday 10/14 at 1900 at S13 - your Infection Control Officer should attend as I’m sure there will be a discussion on Ebola.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Attachment checklist-patients-evaluated-us-evd.pdf  (119k)
Attachment evd-screening-criteria.pdf  (361k)