Volunteers Fill In For Baltimore City
By Member Francis Griffin
November 29, 2014

On the morning of November 20th, as members of Baltimore City Fire Department prepared to say good bye to Fire Safety Officer Lieutenant James Bethea, volunteers from Charles County traveled to Baltimore City to help cover the call volume. Lieutenant James Bethea passed away last week while on duty. Benedict VFD (Engine 5-1), and La Plata VFD (Truck 1) filled in for BCFD Engine 20/Truck 18. Bryans Road (Engine 112) filled in for BCFD Engine 31. When the units arrived on location, members were welcomed by the members of Baltimore City Fire Department. Officers of the units were briefed on the communications and the area. The fill in’s gave members of BCFD a chance to attend the funeral and not worry about covering calls. Many calls were run during the day including a few medical calls, a car accident, a flooding condition, and a working basement fire. Unit’s cleared around 3 p.m. This is another example of the brotherhood that still exists in the fire service. Many thanks to the members of Engine 20/Truck 18 and Engine 31 for allowing us into your home and making the crews feel welcomed.

Units: La Plata Truck 1, Benedict Engine 51, Bryans Road Engine 112